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- /***************************************************************************
- 1/89
- DIRK v2.0 -- Tune workbench colors to system performance
- Copyright (C) 1989 by Daniel Elbaum
- This software is freely redistributable provided that:
- the four files which comprise it (dirk, dirk.doc, dirk.h,
- adjust.c, main.c, sys, window.c) remain intact; all
- copyright notices contained in any of the aforementioned
- files remain intact; and no fee beyond reasonable remuneration
- for collation and distribution be charged for use and/or
- distribution.
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "dirk.h"
- #define T_LEFT (6) /* centers text nicely */
- #define T_HEIGHT (10)
- #define T_TOP (WINHT1+4)
- void
- setcolor(sp, tm, g_f)
- register struct Screen *sp;
- ULONG tm;
- t_gf *g_f;
- {
- register f, db, t;
- int tr, tw;
- int dr, dg, db; /* detail red, blue, green */
- int br, bg, bb; /* bkgnd red, blue, green */
- ULONG mu, fm;
- ULONG amtfree();
- if (g_f->dstog){
- tqlen(&tr, &tw);
- f=CMAX-(tr+tw)/g_f->gran;
- if (f<g_f->dsmin) f=g_f->dsmin;
- if (f>g_f->dsmax) f=g_f->dsmax;
- if ((t=tr/g_f->gran+f)>CMAX) t=CMAX;
- /* Detail and Block pens seem to be reversed */
- if ((dr=t+g_f->bd_r)>CMAX) dr=CMAX;
- if ((dg=t+g_f->bd_g)>CMAX) dg=CMAX;
- if ((db=t+g_f->bd_b)>CMAX) db=CMAX;
- }
- /* val = minval + ((mused / mtotal) * (maxval - minval)) */
- if (g_f->bstog){
- fm=amtfree();
- mu=tm-fm;
- br=g_f->lb_r+(mu*g_f->db_r)/tm;
- bg=g_f->lb_g+(mu*g_f->db_g)/tm;
- bb=g_f->lb_b+(mu*g_f->db_b)/tm;
- }
- Forbid();
- if (g_f->dstog) SetRGB4(sp->ViewPort, sp->BlockPen, dr, dg, db);
- if (g_f->bstog) SetRGB4(sp->ViewPort, sp->DetailPen, br, bg, bb);
- Permit();
- }
- #define N_TEXT (8)
- typedef struct IntuiText t_it;
- void
- fillwin(wp)
- struct Window *wp;
- {
- register i;
- int tr, tw;
- ULONG cavail, favail;
- char trbu[24], twbu[24], cabu[24], fabu[24];
- t_it *ita[N_TEXT];
- memset(ita, 0, sizeof(ita));
- for (i=0; i<N_TEXT; ++i)
- if (!(ita[i]=(t_it *)AllocMem(sizeof(t_it), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- break;
- if (i<N_TEXT){
- for (i=0; i<N_TEXT; ++i)
- if (ita[i]) FreeMem(ita[i], sizeof(t_it));
- return;
- }
- Forbid();
- cavail=AvailMem(MEMF_CHIP);
- favail=AvailMem(MEMF_FAST);
- Permit();
- tqlen(&tr, &tw);
- sprintf(trbu, "Ready: %3.3d", tr);
- sprintf(twbu, "Waiting: %3.3d", tw);
- sprintf(cabu, "Chip: %7.7d", cavail);
- sprintf(fabu, "Fast: %7.7d", favail);
- ita[0]->FrontPen=wp->BlockPen;
- ita[0]->BackPen=wp->DetailPen;
- ita[0]->DrawMode=JAM2;
- for (i=1; i<N_TEXT; ++i)
- memcpy(ita[i], ita[0], sizeof(t_it));
- ita[0]->TopEdge=0;
- ita[0]->IText="2.0 (C) 1989";
- ita[0]->NextText=ita[1];
- ita[1]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT;
- ita[1]->IText="Daniel Elbaum";
- ita[1]->NextText=ita[2];
- ita[2]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*3;
- ita[2]->IText=" Tasks";
- ita[2]->NextText=ita[3];
- ita[3]->IText=trbu;
- ita[3]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*4;
- ita[3]->NextText=ita[4];
- ita[4]->IText=twbu;
- ita[4]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*5;
- ita[4]->NextText=ita[5];
- ita[5]->IText=" Memories";
- ita[5]->LeftEdge=6;
- ita[5]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*7;
- ita[5]->NextText=ita[6];
- ita[6]->IText=cabu;
- ita[6]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*8;
- ita[6]->NextText=ita[7];
- ita[7]->IText=fabu;
- ita[7]->TopEdge=T_HEIGHT*9;
- ita[7]->NextText=NULL;
- PrintIText(wp->RPort, ita[0], T_LEFT, T_TOP);
- for (i=0; i<N_TEXT; ++i)
- FreeMem(ita[i], sizeof(t_it));
- return;
- }